5.1 Co-Creation to support Self-Regulation

  • Co-creation is seen as a prerequisite to supporting effective self-regulation through promoting active engagement in learning.

  • Emphasis needs to be on high level authentic tasks.

  • Preparing for co-creation requires consideration of factors such as:

 o   Clarifying learner and educator roles in learning and teaching.

o   Ensuring clarity around the boundaries of engagement.

o   Ensuring adequate preparation to be able to engage from a position of knowledge.

o   Creating the conditions to enable students and educators to be confident to engage – importance of trust

o   How to embed activities throughout curriculum.

Relevant constructs include conceptions of learning; dialogic assessment; engagement; authenticity


The EAT survey scale (EAT-SS) (EAT Appendices B, C, F) can be used with students and educators in many ways:

o    to explore educator and student perceptions of engagement in different elements of assessment and feedback using the EAT Survey Scale (EAT-SS).

o     to support enhancement of curriculum design, and shared understandings of the student role in assessment.

o     to assess changes in perceptions following interventions to engage students and educators in promoting shared ownership of assessment.

 1.      Use the staff-version of the EAT-SS to

·     determine which areas of practice =you have identified as less well developed than others? (1=not well developed; 5 = highly developed);

·     compare educator profiles for modules in helping to support shared understandings of what engagement should look like for a given context.

2.      Use the student-version of the EAT-SS to:

·  Determine student patterns of engagement with  assessment

·  Consider if student perceptions of engagement impact their attainment.

·  Consider if there have been changes in engagement levels of students during the course of your module/unit (using EAT wheel as a pre- and post-test), and if this has impacted attainment.

3.      Looking at the 12 sub-dimensions of EAT, what is one thing you/your team could do to enhance student engagement? What would your focus be and why?

4.      Evaluate the impact of changes you have made to assessment on student engagement. Are there different patterns of engagement for different groups of students? Why do you think this is this the case?